Botanical Surveys

Midwest Natural Resources has built an outstanding reputation for finding and documenting rare flora wherever we work. Our experienced field botanists have documented numerous populations of rare vascular plants, including state and county records. These species range widely from cryptic types, such as moonworts (Botrychiums), to the more charismatic flora, such as the rams-head lady slipper. Our botanical acumen has earned the respect of government regulators and private sector clients alike. Although we have particular expertise in our home state of Minnesota, we have produced exceptional results throughout the continental U.S. In fact, our staff contribute a significant number of specimens to the University of Minnesota Herbarium year after year.

Small white lady's slipper

Services include:

  • Comprehensive botanical inventories

  • Floristic Quality Assessment

  • Desktop review to identify potential habitat for rare species

  • Habitat assessment for listed species (state, federal, and Regional Forester Sensitive Species-RFSS)

  • Random meander and targeted search surveys

  • Population counts

  • Specimen collection and identification

  • Permitting for the Take of Endangered and Threatened Species

  • Rare species salvaging and transplanting

Our staff are qualified by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources to conduct surveys for all rare plant species with additional approval for:

  • Moonworts/grapeferns (Botrychium/Sceptridium)

  • Prairie bush clover (Lespedeza leptostachya)

  • Dwarf trout lily (Erythronium propullans)

  • Western prairie fringed orchid (Platanthera praeclara)

Staff have all the necessary permits to collect and voucher Threatened and Endangered flora species in Minnesota.