De Soto National Forest – Rare Plant Surveys

  • Cypress swamp biloxi mississippi

Although a majority of our work is throughout the Upper Midwest, our botanists have the skills and abilities to survey for and find rare plant species anywhere in the country.

Client: U.S. Forest Service

Location:  De Soto National Forest, Mississippi

Services Provided:   

  • Rare Plant Surveys

MNR was awarded a contract to conduct a rare plant survey for the Biloxi Flats project in the De Soto National Forest in southern Mississippi. This project demonstrates our company’s unique ability to conduct botanical work anywhere in the United States. The project was focused on surveys in pitcher plant savannas, far different from the peatlands that MNR staff are familiar with in the north. Our key senior botanists (Otto Gockman, Dylan Lueth, and Scott Milburn) were challenged to not only learn an entirely new flora, but also find rare species. Surveys resulted in the documentation of 105 populations of state-listed species, 58 of which were Regional Forester Sensitive Species.