Jake Walden
Senior Biologist
Expertise: Rare Plant Surveys, Vegetation Monitoring, Native Plant Community Classification/Mapping, Aerial Photo Interpretation, Habitat Assessments, Wildlife and Insect Surveys
BS Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology; University of Minnesota Twin Cities
USFWS Recovery Permit to survey for:
- Dakota Skipper
- Rusty Patched Bumble Bee
Minnesota DNR Certified Listed-Species Surveyor for:
- Plants:
- Laurentian Mixed Forest Province
- Eastern Broadleaf Forest Province
- Prairie Parkland and Tallgrass Aspen Parkland Provinces
- Botrychium (moonworts) and Sceptridium (grapeferns)
- Dwarf Trout Lily
- Animals:
- Prairie Skippers
Minnesota DNR Special Permit to collect and voucher state-listed plants
Wisconsin DNR Approved Surveyor for:
- Birds
- Karner Blue Butterfly
- Vascular Plants